How to Book First Aid Course in Essex?
First aid is the immediate action taken towards an injured person suffering from either a serious or minor injury or illness with care for life preservation. The goal of first aid is to stabilize the patient so that he or she can be moved to the next level of care. The certification of this course is provided by CITB which is recognized nationwide in the UK. You can contact the for any help regarding the first aid course in Essex. We will enrol you for the first aid training course and will provide the best assistance regarding your queries. We will also help with other various courses including the Level 1 Health and Safety Course and first aid training course, which helps the individual in taking their career to the next level.
The industry of construction has now become important to introduce many strict practices in the industry due to the number of increased accidents. The accidents are increasing day by day. We cannot stop the accidents but we can reduce them and also can cure the injuries. This training course is provided to acquire knowledge of the treatment of injury.
There is a raw basic of first aid that is given below:
A: Airway
B: Breathing
C: Circulation
D: Disabilities
3 P’s in first aid
The main aim of the first aid is to prevent serious injuries whereas 3 P’s in first aid is the key aim, which is given below:
- Preserve Life: To save the life of a person, you will need to have an open airway. The goal of first aid is to save lives and minimize the threat of death. The primary goal of first aid is to ensure that the individual does not die.
- Prevention from worsening: Prevention from worsening covers two major factors that are moving an injured person away from any cause of harm and applying the technique of first aid to prevent the worsening of the condition. Prevention from worsening is also known as a danger of further injury and prevention of the condition from causing further harm.
- Promotion of the recovery: Promotion of the recovery involves making the decision with common sense and recovery process from the illness or the injury like applying the plaster to a small injury or cut.
How to book the first aid training course?
There are no such eligibility criteria for the first aid course. The people who are above 16 years age can go for the training of this course. The certificate awarded by the CITB is valid for the duration of 3 years. After which it must be renewed, to renew the certificate, the applicant has to qualify the first aid refresher course, which is one day long. These training courses are available at the accredited centres. conducts the training course nationwide. If you want to book for a first aid course in Essex, then visit the official website and get yourself enrolled. You can get valuable information about other courses such as Level 1 Health and Safety Course.