Why should you do the First Aid Course
First aid training is, with no doubt, one of the most important pieces of training any individual can attain. First aid is a basic skill all people need to have so that they could help out those in need without waste of time. In a workplace like a construction site, accidents are bound to happen no matter the number of precautions taken.
It is highly important for a company to have multiple First aiders amidst their employees to ensure immediate medical help is extended to those in need and it is also mandatory according to the regulations made in the year 1981 for all organizations to have an adequate number of first aiders. This can be attained only by ensuring that employees attend appropriate First Aid course.
First Aid at Work (FAW) is a training programme that trains employees on First aid skills and prepares them to be a competent first aider.
FAW course covers accidents and emergencies that could happen at the construction site. Most training centres also provide trainees with materials to help learners practice the skills from the training.
FAW is generally a 3-day course and is recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Mentioned below are only some of the major topics of discussion in training:
- Principles of first aid
- Prevention of cross-infection
- Basic life support
- Breathing management
- Managing unconscious casualties
- Assessing and treating wounds & bleeds
- Treating anaphylaxis
- Treating shock or sudden poisoning
- Treating burns, poisoning and eye injuries
- Treating common major and minor illnesses
- Managing asthma attacks and choking
- Fractures, dislocations, and head injuries
- Managing epilepsy and diabetes
- Record keeping and equipment use
- Legal aspects and secondary surveys
When an employee has completed their assessment successfully, an Ofqual approved certificate is issued. This certificate is valid for the next 3 years. Candidates need to re-train themselves on the FAW training once the certificate is expired. This training is also in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
How to apply for First Aid Course at Work?
Any interested individual who is of 16 years or above is eligible to participate in the training programme. There are no other criteria that need to be followed for an individual to take part in the FAW course and hence, is widely recommended that more employees get certified as first aiders to ensure that there is help available immediately. Having completed this course is an added advantage in private and business life alike.
There are many training institutes, hospitals, and other health care firms that conduct regular sessions of FAW training. But you would look for the one which is affordable and reliable. In the UK, if you are looking for First aid course at work (FAW) then visit www.constructionhelpine.com. They have years of experience in helping labours become and skilled and trained to work at sites.
Putting it altogether
First Aid training is an essential life-saving training an interested individual can take up since this First aid training will help save lives at a critical medical situation.