The competency of builders and construction workers is a guarantee of the safety and efficiency of future structures, buildings and construction projects. Not only does the quality of the work, but also the safety of the entire team depends on the competence of each individual worker in the construction industry – their professionalism. An insufficient level of training inevitably entails violations of technology and safety measures, which can lead not only to unjustified financial losses, but also to an increase in work injuries. That is why it is so important to obtain new qualifications and attend refresher courses for builders and other working specialties.
Each self-respecting company hires employees with the appropriate specialised education, and experience. After all, the professionalism of employees directly affects the efficiency of the company and its reputation, both among potential customers and in the market. Customers always try to cooperate with those companies whose employees are trained to the highest level.
Where to conduct courses to improve the classification of builders?
Completing industry-leading construction courses and qualifications is a vital step in improving your competency on a construction site. Contact Construction Helpline on 0207 199 9800 or visit our website.
When you pursue new qualifications the quality of the work performed increases, and the level of accidents decreases. The availability of qualified personnel is a prerequisite for joining most companies and obtaining admission to perform certain types of work.
The choice of a training a centre in which refresher courses will be conducted must be taken seriously, paying attention to the experience of its work, as well as the feedback from other organizations that have dealt with it before.
Going directly into the subject of competencies that a civil engineer should receive from a chief builder, we must first clarify what we mean by “competencies”, which are nothing more than “those knowledge, abilities and skills that a person must implement. an effectively set task, and there are characteristics that allow it to be implemented in a certain area. “
Competency teaches you the following things:
- Ability to work in a team and communicate orders effectively: By simply observing a good construction teacher, an engineer can learn how to work in a team, how to give directions, and how to reward and / or articulate a worker.
- Ability to delegate functions and plan construction work: even when work scheduling is the function and direct responsibility of the civil engineer, he must have sufficient emotional intelligence to discuss and analyse what he has planned with the construction master, and you are sure to find new ideas on how daily activities should be carried out.
- Ability to determine the time required for each activity: this skill is not only learned through experience, but also, we need to know the workers, their qualifications, their productivity and their capabilities; as they are the primary aspects that indicate the effectiveness of each job; therefore, the first to be consulted is the director of construction.
- Ability to deal with the inconvenience of construction: in this case, experience is considered and, of course, a good master of the work should have sufficient experience in this regard, since he had to suffer, live and solve the many problems that arise in any job.
In conclusion, we must confirm that a person that begins their professional career in construction, whether a resident or inspector, has an excellent opportunity to acquire and consolidate core competencies that will help them shape his profile as a successful professional. To do this, they must remain humble and complete the relevant construction courses. You should also understand that there are other professionals working on the construction site with a lot of experience and knowledge, and among them it is the engineer, or director who can teach you the most.