Bullying and Anti Harrasment


Construction Helpline (CHL) is one of the largest construction-based training providers in the UK, providing education and training nationally. All companies within the CHL family uphold the same company Vision, Mission and Core Values and follow our group policies and procedures.

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate CHL’s determination to ensure that all learners can enjoy a learning programme free from bullying of any kind physical or emotional via direct or distant (cyber bullying) interface.

Applies to:

All staff, associates and learners of CHL.

Reason for policy:

The policy exists for numerous reasons and is aimed to:

• Prevent bullying of any form, physical, verbal, cyber, mental or used in mate hate crimes

• Ensure that everyone is aware that bullying will not be tolerated

• Comply with all relevant Human Rights Legislation

• Ensure that everyone understands that they have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of others.


The following principles underpin this policy and are in accord with our vision and values.

At CHL we:

• value all of our learners equally, regardless of sex, marital or civil partnership status, race, disability, age, gender orientation, gender realignment, pregnancy, maternity religion or belief.

• recognise the detrimental effects on learners who may be subjected to bullying and will work efficiently to eradicate its occurrence.

• ensure learners are entitled to enjoy a secure, happy, and friendly environment in which they can learn effectively. We will do its utmost to establish and sustain such an environment.

• treat all bullying as unacceptable, regardless of its form or which excuses are given to justify it.

• ensure that behaviour will be reported to the Police where appropriate.

We will tackle bullying and harassment behaviour and will raise awareness of the seriousness of such activities through business-as-usual activities such as

• Learning delivery

• Pastoral learner support

• Preparation of learner’s handbooks and other materials

• CPD and staff training

Within each of these areas lies an understanding that every individual has a responsibility to prevent bullying and responsibility for the implementation of our approach lies with everyone. Learners, parents, carers and stakeholders should be aware of the procedures for complaints, details can be found on our website.

Our commitment 

• To provide and encourage a safe, listening environment in which learners feel free to discuss their concerns regarding bullying behaviour.

• To raise everyone’s awareness of bullying during induction and ongoing thereafter

• To identify and provide appropriate training for all staff in relation to identifying and preventing bullying

• To review annually the policy and procedures relating to bullying

• To monitor procedures and their effectiveness in preventing bullying

• To fully investigate any incidents of bullying and provide summary reports to senior management team.

• To take positive actions to deal with bullying behaviour including bullying behaviour used in mate hate crimes.

• To provide appropriate training and support for victims for bullying and those involved in bullying behaviour inclusive of mate hate crimes.


The individual responsibilities of our learners:

• Report all incidents of bullying to any employee without delay

• Act in a respectful and supportive manner to other learners including reporting any suspected incidents, which a victim may be afraid to report.

• Refrain, at all times from any behaviour which would contribute to the bullying of fellow learners

• Adhere to and promote the principles and practice of this policy.

The role of parents/guardians, providers, sponsors, employers and other stakeholders:

• Stressing to learners the importance of sociable behaviour and treating others with respect.

• Reporting any concerns that may be held concerning either victims or perpetrators of bullying and harassment. The individual responsibilities of employees are to:

• Embrace a whole company approach that celebrates individuals and provides support for all learners.

• Be familiar with our anti-bullying and harassment policy through attending training events which we will provide on a regular basis. Seek immediate advice from a Safeguarding Officer

• Recognise that the responsibility for dealing with incidents rests with colleagues, Managers and the Board.

• Respond to queries and concerns from parent/guardians, providers, sponsors, employers and other stakeholders, positively and without delay.

• Keep written records of incidents and to pass copies on to their Line Manager and to then Safeguarding and Prevent Officer within the agreed timescale.

We will establish, maintain, and regularly review:

• The use of pastoral time and other elements of the curriculum to raise learners’ awareness of bullying issues and to develop learners’ assertiveness in order that they may feel better able to deal with bullying situations.

• The encouragement of colleagues to be proactive in combatting to serve as a good role model for learners.

• The reminding of learners and colleagues that we are an organisation in which reports of bullying will be heard and dealt with

• The response rates to any incidents and the effectiveness of resolution

• The sanctions given to those found to have bullied

• Support mechanisms for victims of bullying

• The recording of all incidents in a centrally held log.

• The monitoring of victims and bullies and the provision of special arrangements for any learners considered to be at risk, including guidance, counselling, and information on other sources of support.

• Factors which may influence the risk of bullying and harassment behaviour e.g. the environment, supervision arrangement, routine and procedures, security, employee handbooks and IT policies etc.

• Communication of the policy to all employers, learners, providers, parents, and other stakeholders.

• Provide training to all colleagues to enable everyone to play an active role in combatting bullying and harassment

• our ethos and protocols for dealing with bullying and harassment will be part of the induction process for all employees and learners

• The communication of anti-bullying and harassment information and contact details for reporting incidents through different media throughout the company

• Proven incidents of bullying and harassment and breaches of the policy by learners will be dealt with within the Student Disciplinary Procedure. As well as supportive actions covered by the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy

• The policy and practices in light of experience, legislation or changing circumstances


2.10 Safeguarding Policy

4.3 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook

4. 18 Learner Behaviour


The Nature of Bullying

Bullying is unlikely to be a single or isolated instance. It is usually, but not exclusively repeated and persistent behaviour, which is offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious or insulting. Bullying includes but is not limited to:

• Conduct which is intimidating, physically abusive or threatening

• Conduct that denigrates, ridicules, or humiliates an individual, especially in front of colleagues

• Humiliating an individual in front of colleagues

• Picking on one person where there is a common problem

• Shouting at an individual to get things done

• Consistently undermining someone and their ability to do the job

• Setting unrealistic targets or excessive workloads

• “Cyber bullying” e.g. bullying via e-mail, social media, text message etc. (This should be borne in mind where employees are working remotely and are managed by e-mail). Care and sensitivity should be practiced with regard to the choice of context and language).

• Setting an individual up to fail by giving inadequate instructions or unreasonable deadlines.

Harassment and Bullying may be summarised as any behaviour that is unwanted by the person to who it is directed. It is the impact of the behaviour rather than the intent of the perpetrator that is the determinant as to whether harassment or bullying has occurred.

Why is it important to do something about bullying?

Bullying is always damaging to those involved. The victim, the bully and those who witness or even know about the bullying are affected.


Victims may spend their life in fear. They often feel isolated from their peers and may believe that it is something about themselves which has led the bully to pick on them. The victim’s life may be characterised by unhappiness, a sense of desolation and desperation and exclusion from normal social experiences. Those feelings can permeate all aspects of the victim’s life and may lead to a strong desire to escape the situation by running away from home, truanting from school, training, absences from work, and in some cases, self-harming or taking their own life.

The victims of bullying may have reduced self-esteem and self-worth and their performance in school, training, work and other areas often deteriorates.

Research evidence has shown that victims of bullying may be more likely to experience mental health problems and also that they are more likely to become bullies themselves.

Bullying Behaviour 

Bullying is not a natural behaviour pattern and should not be seen as such.

People who often bully are likely to experience difficult and unhappy relationships with their peers and frequently need help to overcome these difficulties.

People who bully are unlikely to stop while they can continue unchallenged.


• Physical contact - ranging from touching to serious assault, gestures, intimidation, aggressive behaviour

• Verbal – unwelcome remarks, suggestion has ands propositions, malicious gossip, jokes and banter, offensive language

• Non-verbal – offensive literature or pictures, graffiti and computer imagery, isolation or non-cooperation and exclusion or isolation from social activities.