Health and Safety Policy


Construction Helpline (CHL) is one of the largest national training providers in the UK, providing education and training nationally. All companies within the CHL family uphold the same company Vision, Mission and Core Values and follow our group policies and procedures.

Here at Construction Helpline, we truly stand by our vision that learners are at the centre of everything we do. This Corporate Health and Safety Policy document forms the framework by which we manage our health and safety risks and associated legal requirements for our colleagues and learners across all sites.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy place to work while ensuring that our colleagues and others are not placed at any unnecessary or unacceptable risk by our activities. We will strive to:

• prevent accidents and ill health to our colleagues and others affected by our work, including learners, contractors, members of the public and business associates

• adopt a recognised health and safety management systems business model

• ensure health and safety is integral to all line management processes and decisions

• establish a culture that supports the control of risk by promoting active personal involvement, safe behaviour, teamwork and co-operation

• reduce health and safety risks through the continued development of a systematic assessment approach

• continuously and cost effectively improve our health and safety arrangements and performance.

The management of health and safety must be integral to our work and consequently, this policy will be closely linked with other Construction Helpline policies and guidelines. In reviewing or devising any guidelines affecting work activities, this policy should be taken into account.

This policy is supported by a series of subject-specific health and safety policies/procedures, Codes of Practice and Guidance Documents.

Applies to:

This policy sets out the means to achieve and maintain adequate standards of health and safety at work across our business and applies to all Construction Helpline colleagues, freelancers, contributors, temporary and casual staff, wherever they are directed to work, and will also apply to all business departments.

It is the responsibility of all our managers to ensure the health and safety of colleagues, learners and others who may be affected by our activities under their control.

Reason for policy:

This policy is in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant legislation, and it applies to all Construction Helpline sites and activities.

Health and Safety Policy Statement

This policy is in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant legislation, and it applies to all Construction Helpline sites and activities. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring policy formulation and development, and that it is implemented throughout the organisation by the operational management teams.

Construction Helpline demonstrates our commitment to a safe working environment through its Directors and Senior Managers, who fully accept responsibility for the health and safety of our colleagues, learners and the public who may be affected by our activities. The Company will ensure that adequate resources and time are available to carry out this policy and monitor its implementation.

This policy is implemented by active cooperation of all colleagues through the process of hazard identification, risk evaluation and control. Effective implementation of this policy will contribute to improved business performance by the setting and reviewing of objectives, which are set against improving safety performance. Compliance with legal requirements is considered as a minimum level to be achieved and we will seek, through a programme of continual improvement, to achieve higher than regulatory standards.

The continuing development, education and training of colleagues will be a key activity in the implementation of our health and safety management systems. Adequate resources will be committed to ensure that health and safety objectives are achieved.

The Company recognises the importance of consultation with colleagues and will implement a communication system to encourage active participation in improving health and safety, and in their implementation of the arrangements outlined in this policy.

This policy statement must be communicated to all colleagues. It will be reviewed at least every twelve months or if changes are made due to deficiencies highlighted by a review, new legislation or by business development, with any revisions being further communicated to all employees.

Our aim is to achieve a safe workplace, free of accidents, within all areas of Construction Helpline.”


Guiding Principles

For Construction Helpline to be successful in achieving its health and safety aims, it must work towards the following key principles:

Commitment Managers at all levels of the organisation will demonstrate personal leadership and commitment.

Line Management Ownership and Responsibilities

Ownership, accountability and responsibility for matters of health and safety will be embraced by line management and cascaded throughout their management structure.

Knowledge and Skills

All colleagues and contractors will be competent to perform their work safely and will be required to apply good practice in health and safety.

Managing Risks

• Effective arrangements will be in place to ensure that risks are assessed and that arrangements are implemented which lead to safe and healthy activities, safe environment, equipment and plant

• Business planning will address the control of health and safety risks and ensure that resources are allocated according to risk priorities

• Change (organisational or operational) will be managed to consider and adequately control any health and safety implications that may arise Communication, Cooperation and Coordination

• Activities with third parties (e.g. contractors, suppliers, business associates, partners and joint ventures) will be effectively controlled and coordinated with clear allocation of accountability and responsibility

• Arrangements will be in place to exchange information on risks and the arrangements for their control with all applicable parties

• Arrangements will be in place to ensure adequate communication and consultation with colleagues

Continuous Improvement

• Safety performance, including compliance with statutory requirements and the implementation of this policy, will be measured, monitored, and reviewed on an ongoing basis

• Continuous improvement will be maintained through the application of systems that ensure our health and safety performance is monitored and measured objectively, and that timely preventative and corrective actions are taken where required

These principles apply across all our business areas. They create an effective framework to maximise the contribution of all colleagues whilst recognising that health and safety is a line management responsibility.

Through a systematic approach, it supports our commitment to ongoing improvement in our health and safety arrangements.


To ensure that this policy is successfully managed within the organisation, the following responsibilities have been allocated across the organisation:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

In practice, the governing body’s responsibilities in relation to health and safety are discharged through the CEO who shall provide leadership and direction by:

• demonstrating the board’s commitment to health and safety and leading by example

• being responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented across the company

• ensuring the board and the company receive competent health and safety advice where required

• ensuring all colleagues, including the board (as necessary), are sufficiently trained and competent in their health and safety responsibilities and that adequate resources are available to meet the requirements of this policy

• ensuring that the workforce, particularly safety representatives, are consulted properly on health and safety matters and that their concerns are reaching the appropriate level, including (as necessary) the board

• ensuring that systems are in place to assess the organisation’s risks and that sensible control measures are established and maintained

• ensuring audits and inspections are undertaken to inform the Senior Management Team about operational performance

• ensuring the board and Senior Management Team receive regular health and safety performance data and reports on injuries and work-related ill health

• ensuring any proposed changes in working arrangements that have significant implications for health and safety are brought to the attention of the board

• ensuring appropriate board-level review of health and safety

Director of People

The Director of People will:

• ensure that the company’s Health and Safety Policy is observed across all areas

• ensure that all facilities, resources and requirements necessary for effective compliance with the policy are provided for

• ensure that any learning environments outside the company premises are assessed for health and safety suitability, prior to the learning programme taking place

• instigate disciplinary procedures (in compliance with our disciplinary rules) where failure to achieve the safety regulations, company safety policy and good safety practice is evident

• ensure that safe conditions are maintained across all buildings and that periodic safety audits and inspections are carried out

Directors/Senior Managers

Directors and Senior Managers will:

• ensure that all colleagues under their direct control implement safe working practices at all times while carrying out Construction Helpline undertakings

• ensure that all new colleagues under their control are competent in their respective vocational areas and are appropriately trained on an ongoing basis to maintain this competency, ensuring that ongoing information, instruction and training is given to all colleagues where required

• ensure that all colleagues involved in the production and maintenance of health and safety records within their respective departments keep such records up-todate and available for inspection

• action any safety reports and/or correspondence concerning operational areas under their supervision in conjunction with the Director of Performance and Development and the Head of Health and Safety if required

• ensure that appropriate health and safety assessments, vetting and statutory requirements are carried out for any properties under their control; this includes employer premises and other training provider locations where delivery is in partnership

• ensure that any equipment, plant and substances that are used for company undertakings are suitable for the task and are in good working condition, including the regular maintenance and servicing of plant and equipment

• ensure that an up-to-date statement of the company Health and Safety Policy is brought to the attention of all colleagues and that a copy is readily available at all locations under their control

• ensure that the safety responsibilities of new colleagues are communicated to them as part of their induction

• ensure all military premises (for the military provision within the Territorial Army) follow the orders of the Department of Defence and the Commanding Officer

Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment

The Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment will:

• monitor legal documents, statutory registers and insurance certificates that are kept on our premises and ensure that the necessary statutory abstract notices are displayed

• provide competent advice and guidance on all health and safety matters to the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Directors, Senior Managers and all other colleagues when required

• ensure that all accidents and incidents are properly recorded, reported and investigated, including the production of any internal reports, highlighting recommendations to the board and Senior Managers where appropriate

• report any RIDDOR reportable accidents to the relevant authorities within the required timescales, including liaising with any external agencies if required (the funding provider incident reporting requirements will be followed for RIDDOR events involving learners)

• ensure that all colleagues, contractors, learners and visitors are made aware of safety procedures

• take further, immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to health and safety arising from any Construction Helpline Group work activity

• inform the relevant Director, in writing, of any health and safety issues that require attention

• report to the Executive Team twice yearly, detailing health and safety performance, recorded accidents and actions required

• chair the Health and Safety Committee and report back to the Director of Performance and Development on actions arising from the group

• provide ad hoc health and safety training when required by colleagues to ensure that the company’s undertakings are not put at risk

• assess and advise on health and safety training needs for delivery and assessment colleagues

• promote and participate in health and safety initiatives and activities as required

• monitor subcontractor safety procedures and policies relating to the safety of learners

• ensure all learners have been provided with their entitled information regarding health and safety

• advise management and colleagues on all aspects of health, safety and welfare relating to learners, to ensure compliance with the safe learner blueprint

• provide training and advice on the completion of the vetting process, risk assessment and other required topics

• oversee the preparation of operating procedures for pre-military outdoor activities

• schedule risk assessment activity and individual learner risk assessments as required

• monitor the maintenance of statutory records, reports and notification procedures

• prepare statistical information relating to learners’ health, safety and welfare

• Ensure statutory maintenance and testing is carried out in every learning curve premises in line with manufacturers or statutory guidance

• Manage any ongoing construction works at any Construction Helpline premises

• ensure that all requirements of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FS0) are maintained throughout all buildings used by Construction Helpline where required

Delivery Staff

All our delivery staff will:

• ensure that they lead by example and that all learners follow company safety policies at all times while under their control

• ensure that all learners under their control are aware of the risk assessments in place for each activity and follow them at all times

• ensure that all learners wear any mandatory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as directed by the departmental risk assessments, in all teaching sessions delivered and that any learners with items missing are challenged and requested to comply with the procedures set out

• ensure that all learners have been provided with their entitled information regarding health and safety

• report any learner accidents, incidents and near misses to their management team immediately

• carry out regular safety talks to learners based on the courses being taken and the relevant risk in the activity

First Aiders

All first aiders will:

• be responsible for providing prompt first aid treatment to any person on Construction Helpline premises as and when required

• take responsibility for the completion of the accident/other incident/near miss report and any other paperwork associated with the incident

• carry out and log regular checks on first aid kits within their respective offices and order any replacement items found to be out of date or missing

• notify all accidents, incidents and near misses to the Head of Health and Safety as soon as possible after the occurrence

Fire Wardens

All fire wardens will:

• be responsible for the safe evacuation of colleagues from any premises to which they are listed as a fire warden

• notify the fire brigade of any emergency requiring their attendance and liaise with them on their arrival where required

• report back to the Head of Health and Safety with any faults or actions arising as a result of any fire evacuation or fire drill

• take responsibility for carrying out weekly fire alarm tests in their buildings and logging these in the site’s health and safety files


All colleagues will:

• comply with statutory legislation, the company Health and Safety Policy and all other work-related procedures at all times

• take reasonable care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their work

• use the correct tools and equipment for the job and ensure that they are kept in good condition

• understand the emergency procedures for the building they are working from

• work in accordance with information and training that has been provided to ensure their own safety and that of their colleagues

• make use of safety aids, appliances, equipment and PPE where necessary provided adequate training has been provided on their use beforehand

• refrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything that has been provided for health and safety reasons

• report any hazardous defects in their workplace, any plant/equipment, or shortcomings in any existing safety arrangements to their line manager, while making the area/equipment safe if possible

• not undertake any task for which authorisation and/or training has not been given

• attend any health and safety training as required for their role

• co-operate in keeping welfare facilities clean and tidy

• know where the first aid box and first aiders are within their respective offices

• ensure that corridors, office floors and doorways are kept clear and free from obstruction

• report any accident, incident or near miss, however minor, to their line manager or supervisor at the earliest opportunity


Learner Safety

The health and safety of all of our learners is at the centre of everything that we do.

Specific risk assessments are carried out for any activity that could cause harm to a learner with individual control measures put in place where required. As a responsible training provider, we will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that all buildings, work areas, local environments and work equipment are all of a safe standard to ensure the safety of all our learners is maintained at all times. Where additional support is required, based on specific risk assessment outcomes or educational care plans this will be referred to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment and Director for Performance and Development to assess the requirements and put individual measures in place.

Fire Safety

Fire is a hazard that could affect any of our premises at any time. The consequences of fire include not only a threat to life, but also a health and safety risk to our colleagues and learners, damage to or loss of property and severe interruption to normal business activities and opportunities.

Our fire safety measures include preventing outbreaks of fire and mitigating the direct and consequential damage by early detection, reducing the risk of fire spread by structural containment, and providing emergency escape routes, emergency evacuation procedures and means for fire detection and firefighting. All colleagues should familiarise

themselves with and comply with the fire safety measures in place for their workplace and report any defects or hazards to their line manager immediately. Colleagues who work in several premises should familiarise themselves with the fire safety measures for each premises on their first visit.

A corporate Fire Safety Procedure (HSP 2.1.1) has been developed which sets out the organisation and arrangements to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that in all our workplaces and during all work activities:

• fires are prevented

• people are protected against fire

• property is protected against fire

• essential business is not interrupted by fire

• suitable procedures are followed if fire occurs

• all fire precautions are monitored and maintained

• collaboration with other premises owners/employers (including tenants in shared workplaces) takes place to ensure the safety of all colleagues

In the fulfilment of this, all Construction Helpline operated buildings will be risk assessed in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The assessment will determine the number of fire wardens and any fire prevention/control facilities necessary to provide adequate cover for all colleagues.

First Aid Arrangements

We will ensure that all arrangements for first aid, as required by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, are met across the company. This includes providing identified colleagues with first aid training, providing first aid facilities and equipment suitable for the environment they are being used in, and providing colleagues with

information and instruction on how to obtain first aid assistance in their workplace. As a minimum, each workplace will have:

• a suitably stocked first aid box

• an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements

A first aid ‘arrangements’ notice must be displayed at all workplaces in a prominent position. All our work activities, regardless of their location, will be assessed to determine the first aid arrangements and facilities needed for:

• colleagues, learners, and temporary and casual staff

• visitors

• collaboration with other employers, e.g. contractors or tenants in shared


The assessment will determine the number of trained colleagues and the first aid facilities necessary to provide adequate cover. Colleagues nominated to be a first aider will be selected and assessed as suitable prior to training and provided with the ongoing training needed to maintain competence. For more information, please refer to the

Company First Aid Procedure (HSP 2.1.7).

Accident Reporting

Accidents and incidents at work cause thousands of serious injuries and hundreds of fatalities in the UK and Ireland every year and can also cause damage to property, lost production hours and harm to a company’s reputation. By reporting accidents, incidents and near misses, the causes can be ascertained, and preventative action can be taken to prevent a reoccurrence.

The Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure (HSP 2.1.2) sets out the arrangements for ensuring all accidents, including near misses, that occur during the course of our activities are reported promptly and investigated to determine lessons learned.

The procedure provides essential information to:

• ensure action is taken to prevent recurrence

• meet statutory requirements, including the reporting of incidents under RIDDOR 2013

• help monitor and improve health and safety performance

• provide information for responding to claims made against Construction Helpline

• enable us to respond quickly and accurately to external enquiries

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

As set out in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, any substances used by colleagues which are deemed hazardous to health will require a suitable assessment to be carried out prior to the substance being used. Construction Helpline will ensure that these assessments are available to all colleagues who may be affected by the product and will provide suitable training and instruction on its safe use where required. If the task can be redesigned so that the use of the product is made

obsolete, then this should be carried out. As a last resort, PPE will be provided for all colleagues using the product or who may be affected by its use.

Risk Assessment

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require us to assess all significant risks across the business and record the significant findings of any assessment.

To ensure we meet this duty of care, risk assessments will be carried out for all relevant work activities to ensure that appropriate control measures are identified and put in place to ensure that safety implications and health protection are properly considered to prevent accidents and ill health. The arrangements required to address serious and imminent danger are also part of this process.

Relevant professional support should be consulted in good time for advice and support before any high risk or complex activity is undertaken. The essential requirement is that at any time, the manager responsible for the work activity will be able to demonstrate:

• that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been carried out, in good time and for every stage, for all their work activities

• that the necessary controls identified have been put in place

• that effective communication of significant findings to those who may be affected by the activity has taken place

• that assessments are recorded and reviewed in the light of change

• that the controls continue to be appropriate for the activity

All those involved in the activity, including the manager responsible for the work location, will provide relevant information to assist the risk assessment process and will cooperate with those responsible to ensure appropriate controls are successfully implemented. For more information on how to complete risk assessments, please refer to the Risk Assessment Procedure (HSP 2.1.8).

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 define Display Screen Equipment (DSE) as any device or equipment that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process involved; it includes both conventional display screens and those used in technologies such as laptops, touchscreens and other similar devices.

Computer workstations or equipment can be associated with neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, as well as with fatigue and eye strain. We will ensure that a DSE assessment is completed for every colleague who is classified as a ‘user’ under the Regulations and will follow up any actions arising from the individual assessments where required. For further information on display screen equipment, please refer to the Company DSE Procedure (HSP 2.1.3).

Manual Handling

Manual handling relates to the moving of items either by lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling. The weight of the item is an important factor, but many other factors can create a risk of injury, for example, the number of times you have to pick up or carry an item, the distance you are carrying it, where you are picking it up from or putting it down (picking it up from the floor/putting it on a shelf above shoulder level) and any twisting, bending, stretching or other awkward posture you may adopt while doing a task.

As detailed in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, we will carry out an assessment of all manual handling tasks within the company and, wherever possible, reduce the risk to colleagues when carrying out these tasks. For more information, please refer to the Office Safety Procedure (2.1.6).

Working at Height

Working at height means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury. For example, you are working at height if you:

• are working on a ladder or a flat roof

• could fall through a fragile surface

• could fall into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground

We are committed to reducing accidents to as low a level as possible to minimise the injury to our colleagues and others who may be affected by our work activities. Where working at height is taking place, a sensible approach should be taken when considering safety precautions. There is a common misconception that ladders, and stepladders are banned, but this is not the case. There are many situations where a ladder is the most

suitable equipment for working at height, which will be detailed in the risk assessment carried out prior to the work commencing.

Before working at height, you must work through these simple steps:

• Avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so

• Where work at height cannot be avoided, prevent falls using either an existing place of work that is already safe or the right type of equipment

• Minimise the distance and consequences of a fall by using the right type of equipment where the risk cannot be eliminated

Any colleague who is required to carry out working at height must ensure that they have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to perform the task, or, if they are being trained, that they work under the supervision of somebody competent to do the task. For more information on working at height, please refer to the company Working at Height Procedure. (2.1.4)


Asbestos can be found in any building built before the year 2000 (houses, factories, offices, schools, hospitals, etc.) and causes around 5000 deaths every year. We acknowledge the duty to manage asbestos under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 in any premises used for our undertakings where it may be present, and will:

• find out whether the premises contain asbestos, and, if so, where it is and what condition it is in. If in doubt, materials must be presumed to contain asbestos

• assess the risk from asbestos present in the premises

• make a plan to manage that risk and act on it

• provide this information to other employers (e.g. building contractors) who are likely to disturb any asbestos present, so that they can put in place appropriate control while the work is being done

Asbestos is only dangerous when disturbed. If it is safely managed and contained, it doesn't present a health hazard and shouldn’t be removed unnecessarily – removing it can be more dangerous than leaving it in place and managing it. For more information on asbestos, please refer to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment.

Threat of Terrorism

Terrorism is ‘the unofficial or unauthorised use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims’. It is the policy of Construction Helpline to manage any potential for terrorism, including suspicious mail items, cyber threats, bomb threats and firearms, and provide arrangements to ensure the safety of all colleagues, learners and visitors to the Company. For more information, please refer to the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses, and Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).

Where PPE is required due to a UK wide pandemic, we will always follow government guidelines in relation to items required for colleagues and learners and source any items from reputable suppliers based on specifications outlined by local or national government. For more information please refer to HSP 2.5 Planning for and Management

during a Pandemic Policy or the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment.

Making the workplace safe includes providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision to encourage people to work safely and responsibly. Even where engineering controls and safe systems of work have been applied, some hazards might remain.

These include injuries to:

• the lungs, e.g. from breathing in contaminated air

• the head and feet, e.g. from falling materials

• the eyes, e.g. from flying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids

• the skin, e.g. from contact with corrosive materials

• the body, e.g. from extremes of heat or cold

PPE is needed in these cases to reduce the risk. However, it should be used as a last resort and only after engineering controls have been implemented as part of a dynamic risk assessment process. For more information, please refer to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment Consultation with Colleagues Consulting with colleagues on health and safety matters can have real benefits for a business, including:

• increased productivity – businesses with good workforce involvement in health safety tend to have a better productivity rate

• improvements in overall efficiency and quality

• higher levels of workforce motivation

In line with the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 we will consult with colleagues at regular intervals over the calendar year to take account of their views before making some health and safety decisions, including risks arising from health and safety activities. As a guiding principle, we encourage consultation and discussion with colleagues on health and safety matters affecting their work. Those directly involved with the work can help identify the hazards and risks associated with it and may identify practical measures to help to control them. This also helps to ensure that any control measures introduced are practicable and supported, thereby assisting their implementation. Meeting minutes and reports from these meetings will be made available to all colleagues. For more information, please refer to the Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference Document.

Lone Working

Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.

Working alone is not against the law and it is often safe to do so. However, we will take steps to ensure risks are removed where possible, or will put in place control measures required to protect our colleagues from the risks of lone working. For more information on lone working, please see the Lone Worker Procedure (HSP 2.1.5).

Contractor Control

It is our policy to eliminate all work-related accidents and constantly achieve the highest levels of operational safety performance. To this end, we expect any contractors to apply the same high standards in conducting their work activities. All contractors must carry out their work strictly in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other regulations which may apply, in addition to our internal policies and procedures where applicable.

Where work being carried out by contractor’s border or overlaps into areas used by others

– including our colleagues, the general public or clients – then all reasonably practicable care must be taken by subcontractors to safeguard all persons and property from risks arising from their work operations and activities. For more information on contractor control please refer to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment or the Office safety Procedure (HSP 2.1.6)

Selection, Maintenance, Inspection and Testing of Plant and Work Equipment Work equipment is any machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work, whether exclusively used at work or not. The scope of work equipment is therefore extremely wide and any colleague who is tasked with operating any type of work equipment must have undertaken sufficient training to ensure that they know how to competently use it, without unnecessary risks to the health and safety of themselves or others. Formal arrangements will be in place for the selection, maintenance, inspection and testing of plant and equipment which we own and/or use, to ensure that it is safe, fit for purpose and legally compliant.

To ensure that any equipment provided is safe for use, we will ensure that the following arrangements in relation to work equipment will be taken into consideration:

• Procurement will include the hiring of safe equipment and plant from reputable suppliers

• Equipment is only used for its intended purpose

• Competence requirements for operators are met, including instruction, information and training

• User checks are carried out prior to use

• The frequency for inspection and maintenance is in line with manufacturers’/suppliers’/installers’ recommendations, company risk assessments and statutory requirements

• Communication of the findings of formal inspections is to all affected parties

• Fault and defect reporting and corrective action are carried out

• Preventative maintenance programmes are in place

• Appropriate permits to work arrangements are in place where required

Maintenance work must only be undertaken by persons who are competent to carry it out and who have the necessary knowledge and experience to:

• know what to look at

• know what to look for know what to do

• be aware of, and able to avoid, unnecessary risks to themselves and others

Any colleague that finds a defective item of work equipment must take it out of operation immediately, quarantine it and inform their line manager immediately. The equipment must not be used under any circumstances until it has been examined by a competent engineer.

Planning for and Management of a UK Pandemic

Although a UK pandemic situation is not a common occurrence, our internal policy, HSP 2.5 Planning for and Management during a Pandemic, sets out our internal framework that we will adopt when a Pandemic is likely to occur. We will ensure that the policy is used in conjunction with any national and/or local government guidance that has been put in place to ensure the safety of our colleagues and learners remains at the forefront of what we do before, during and after the event. It should also be read alongside HSP 2.4 Major Incident and Business Continuity Policy.

For more information, please refer to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment.

Electrical Equipment and Testing

Electricity is a familiar and necessary part of everyday life, but electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to property. There are simple precautions when working with or near electricity that can be taken to significantly reduce the risk of electrical injury to you and others around you. The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require electrical equipment to be maintained to prevent danger. Any work carried out on

electrical systems throughout our premises will be carried out by competent persons without exception.

In relation to portable electrical equipment, the type and frequency of user checks, inspections and testing needed will depend on the equipment, the environment in which it is used and the results of previous checks. Through a series of user checks, visual inspections and portable appliance testing, we will endeavour to ensure that all electrical equipment used in our premises will be safe for use by all colleagues. For more information on electrical equipment safety please refer to the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment

Workplace/Delivery Venue Vetting

We are required to ensure health and safety legal requirements that exist to protect persons at work and others affected by work are suitable. We have responsibility for ensuring that colleagues and learners are vetted in line with procedures laid down by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and health and safety standards (HASS).

We must judge the suitability of health and safety in the place where training and learning are conducted. For more information, please refer to the Vetting arrangements for Workplaces and Delivery Venues Vetting Procedure (HSP2.1.9).

Health and Safety Training

Health and safety training is an integral part of company development to ensure colleague development, and will be identified alongside Human Resource policies and procedures. A training matrix will be developed for all job roles, detailing what health and safety training is required based on competence levels for individual roles.

Training requests can be initiated by a response to managerial requests, new work activities or new work equipment being introduced, in response to annual appraisals and based on recommendations from the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment or as a result of health and safety audits.

Office Safety

We are committed to meeting our legal obligations to provide all colleagues, learners and visitors with a safe and healthy place of work and will ensure that all premises in our property portfolio, which we own or lease (and, where applicable, sub-leases), including temporary premises, are selected, maintained and monitored as to their suitability and legal compliance (including all necessary statutory permissions and/or exemptions).

There will be arrangements in place to ensure compliance with our own health and safety guidelines and legal requirements, and to ensure that records of relevant safety information are established and maintained for each building. There will be close liaison with the landlord of premises where our colleagues are working, and landlord/tenant agreements will cover accountabilities, responsibilities, working environment issues and

facilities management. For more information, please refer to the Office Safety procedure (HSP 2.1.6).

Legionella Control

We will control, prevent, and minimise the risk from Legionella, to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for all colleagues, learners, contractors, and visitors, and provide such resources, information, training and supervision as needed for this purpose. We will do all that is reasonably practicable to manage the risk of Legionellosis and will follow the steps laid out in the Control of

Legionella Procedure and site-specific written control schemes as based on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Approved Code of Practice and Guidance Document L8 (ACOP L8) The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems. For more information please refer to the Office Safety procedure (HSP 2.1.6) or the Head of Health and Safety.

Driving on Company Business

We are committed to ensuring all colleagues who drive a motor vehicle on our behalf do so in a safe, efficient and effective manner.

Any colleagues who use a vehicle for driving on behalf of the company, whether it be a work supplied vehicle or a personal vehicle must ensure:

• The vehicle is roadworthy and is safe to drive before every business trip

• You follow the highway code and any local rules in the areas they are driving

• Any vehicle faults are highlighted and repaired as soon as possible (including those on company vehicles)

• You have business insurance cover for any vehicle used on company business

• You hold the correct driving licence for the vehicle you are driving

• You follow the law on operating or using a sat nav or mobile phone in the vehicle while you are in control of it. We do not expect you to make or answer the phone when driving unless you are in a safe place or it is an emergency. We will accept no liability for fines or penalty points if you use a mobile phone while driving for company business

• You inform us of any medical or physical impairment that may prevent you from driving. This also includes notifying us if you receive any penalty points or driving bans in the course of your employment.

• You inform the Head of Health and Safety of any accidents you are involved in while driving on company business.

For any vehicle that is owned by the company, we will ensure that:

• They are maintained as per manufacturers guidelines ensuring all statutory inspections and road taxes are carried out on time.

Health and Safety Performance Monitoring

Objectives Corporate health and safety objectives and a corporate programme plan/action plan will be set at Board-level and will be monitored by our health and safety consultation group.

This will provide a systematic appraisal of performance with a view to enhancing standards.


Our overall performance against the corporate health and safety programme plan/action plan and any key performance indicators will be collated and reported periodically to the Executive Board by the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment.

They will also be responsible for ensuring there are adequate arrangements for monitoring the health and safety standards, arrangements and compliance within their department, which will include:

• monitoring risk assessment processes

• routine inspections

• periodic reporting on significant initiatives, issues or incidents as part of the normal managerial reporting process

• analysis of accident/incident data and suspected work-related ill health

Audit and Review of Performance


Audits will be carried out by the Head of Health and Safety, or other independent groups, as part of the arrangements for monitoring our health and safety performance and management system. The scope and focus of health and safety audits will be subject to consideration by the Director of Performance and Development. Business departments will be required to afford proper cooperation in the audit process where required. For more information please refer to our Health and Safety Audit Strategy 2019-2022 document.

Management Review

Our Executive Board will receive an Annual Health and Safety Review report of Company performance and progress compiled by the Head of Health and Safety, Estates and Environment.