Sustainablity and development


Construction Helpline is one of the largest construction-based training providers in the UK, providing training courses nationally. All companies within the Construction Helpline family uphold the same company Vision, Mission and Core Values and follow our group policies and procedures.

This policy details our commitment in ensuring that its impact on the environment both locally and globally is minimised. It will do this via sensible use of resources, energy, and in its purchasing and waste management policies. We also have a commitment to meet all environmental legal and other requirements.

We will make every effort to conserve and enhance natural resources to create a sustainable environment both in its current and future estates. We acknowledge that climate change is now a major and urgent sustainability issue and seeks to responsibly use resources and to strive to continually improve its environmental performance.

We seek excellence in every aspect of our work and is committed to minimising the environmental and sustainable impact of our business operations whilst maintaining the core values of respect, responsibility and customer first; in order to achieve economic success whilst improving environmental performance, personal wellbeing and strong links in the community.

We are committed to sustainable development as a guiding principle within our work. Concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of this commitment. Our aim is to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations.

Applies to:

All staff working on the GLA contract

Reason for policy:

• To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice.

• To integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions ensuring that all staff are fully aware of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.

• To minimise the impact on sustainability of all office and transportation activities informing our clients and suppliers aware of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy, and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices.

• To review, annually report, and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance



We recognise that it can contribute towards conservation and protection of the environment. It has resolved to improve its own environmental practices and to promote awareness of environmental responsibilities among all staff and students. This is to be achieved through the following aims and objectives.


• To improve awareness and understanding of environmental issues and sustainable development

• To encourage all staff and students to be active participants in environmental initiatives

• To improve the way, we manages its own environment

• To work with the local community, public and private sector organisations to improve the local environment and promote sustainable development

• To improve energy performance and reduce the carbon footprint of the estate

• Integrating environmental and sustainable principles into our operational procedures and promoting best practice at every level

Environmental awareness 

• To promote the concept of sustainability and individual accountability amongst staff and students

• To conserve resources through improving our awareness

• To provide opportunities for staff training in environmental matters both in-house or through attendance at seminars, courses and working parties

• To organise and/or support environmental awareness-raising events

• To encourage the inclusion of environmental awareness in all aspects of the curriculum

• To avoid the unnecessary use of products and substances that damage the environment

Environmental Initiatives 

• To establish environmental management procedures among staff with managerial or operational responsibilities for activities that affect our impact on the environment

• To encourage staff suggestions on ways to improve practices which impact on the environment

• To identify specific responsibilities within job descriptions and contracts, which will support the Environmental Policy

• To plan, monitor and review and report on initiatives through the sustainability committee


Our commitment is to:

• Promote environmental awareness and responsibility amongst all staff and learners

• Continuously improve our environmental performance and integrate recognised environmental management best practice into our business operations

• Manage waste generated across the Academy according to the principles of reduce, re-use and recycle

• Ensure environmental issues, including climate change and life cycle cost of goods are taken into account in the procurement of goods and services

• Monitor the effectiveness the issues of providing access for all, as well as reducing the impact of travel

• Examine ways to reduce the consumption of energy and water and encourage energy efficient practices reducing the impact the Academy has on the environment and level of carbon emissions currently produced


The implementation of this policy will be the responsibility of the Executive Board. The Board will meet as required, and will include relevant staff, and student members. The group will develop a continuous plan for improving environmental performance, with measurable indicators where possible. We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets in order to improve our environmental performance. We will regularly review these targets.

We will: 

• Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce

• Reduce the use of energy, water and other resources

• Minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods

• Comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation

• Ensure that our policies and services are developed in a way that is complimentary to this policy; not prioritise funding needs ahead of sustainability requirements

• Encourage all charities to commit to the sustainable development attitude

• Identify and provide appropriate training, advice and information for staff and encourage them to develop new ideas and initiatives

• Provide appropriate resources to meet the commitments of this policy

• Promote and encourage involvement in local environmental initiatives/schemes


To continue developing good practice, including a 3-year action plan based on an annual environmental audit. The Sustainable and Development Implementation plan defines the actions and steps that will be taken to implement and demonstrate commitment to the policy. The plan is a working document which is subject to review, amendments and improvements. It sets out the research carried out to establish a baseline and will inform targets to work towards. We are committed to maintain and action the following:

Travel & Meetings 

• To encourage car sharing

• To promote the use of public transport

• To advice our staff to walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, apart from in exceptional circumstances where the alternatives are impractical and/or cost prohibitive

• To avoid physically travelling to meetings etc., where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing or webcams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips. These options are also often more time efficient, while not sacrificing the benefits of regular contact with salons/clients and partner

• To reduce the need to travel to meetings and elsewhere, and to facilitate regular salons/clients contact, we will provide a webcam to clients free of charge where appropriate or plan teleconference meetings where appropriate

• To reduce the need for our staff to travel by supporting alternative working arrangements, including home working etc., and promote the use of public transport by locating our offices in accessible locations

• To liaise with the transport officer at the local authority and neighbouring organisations to share ideas and report on initiatives


• To further improve the percentage of waste materials recycled

• To provide means of collecting waste products which can be recycled – batteries, books, cans, glass, furniture, garden waste, laser/copier paper, tyres, metals and some types of plastic etc

Waste Management 

• To develop and implement a comprehensive waste management policy

• To use best current practice for handling hazardous waste

• To encourage a change in the perception of waste within the community

• To ensure compliance with the WEEE directive when disposing of electrical and electronic equipment

Energy and Water 

• To conserve energy by progressively improving heating and lighting systems, and investing in energy efficient copiers, IT and electrical equipment

• To effectively control cooling and heating to minimise carbon production whilst maintaining an effective environment for teaching and learning

• Implementation of effective insulation measures

• Monitoring and reduction where possible of water usage

• Monitoring of water temperatures

• To conserve water by gradually installing water saving devices as and where appropriate

• To encourage, where possible, the use of alternative energy and water resources

Purchase of Equipment and Consumption of Resources

• To minimise our use of paper and other office consumables, for example by double siding all paper used, and identifying opportunities to reduce waste

• As far as possible arrange for the reuse or recycling of office waste, including paper, computer supplies and redundant equipment

• To reduce the energy consumption of office equipment by purchasing energy efficient equipment and good housekeeping

• Seek to purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy

• Seek to maximise the proportion from renewable energy sources, whilst also supporting investment in new renewable energy schemes

• To ensure that timber furniture, and any other timber products are recycled or from well-managed, with sustainable sources

Buildings and Grounds 

• To ensure that all building work undertaken has the concept of sustainability as a central issue within the working brief and uses BREEAM assessment for major new builds and refurbishments

• Design to utilise the maximum usage of natural light and ventilation, avoiding where possible air conditioning systems in both existing and new builds

• To investigate and utilise newer energy sources such as combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat recovery where possible

• Sustainable management of green spaces, wildlife and natural habitats

• Minimal usage of chemical pesticides, insecticides and artificial fertilisers

• To use materials from sustainable resources where possible

Working Practices and Advice to Clients

• To ensure that all employees take account of sustainability issues in their advice to salons/clients

• To Include a copy of our Sustainable and Development Policy in all our proposals to salons/clients