The Highways and Maintenance NVQ is a Diploma course that is conducted in a real workplace environment and is designed to not cause much of a hindrance to your daily task.This qualification enables the learner to understand and develop their skills. This will improve the learner’s competence in the construction site.
The assessment is based on the National Occupational Standards of Highway and Maintenance repair and supported by the Federation – Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA). A competent assessor will accompany the learner to their work site throughout the course duration. The assessor works with the learner and helps them complete their training and certification process.
Course learning
There are a set of mandatory skills a learner has to pickup through the duration of this course for them to receive certification. Apart from these, there is another set of skills of which, the learner can choose any 2 skill sets to master. Mentioned below are the course contents:
1. Mandatory units
a. Manage material supply to meet the project needs in the construction site
– Credit value – 8 units
b. Manage personal and professional development of all employees in the work site
– Credit value – 7 units
c. Planning Highways maintenance and repair activities
– Credit value – 12 units
d. Supervise Highways maintenance and repair activities
– Credit value – 12 units
e. Maintain functional and protective systems for Health, Safety, Welfare, and Environment in the construction site
– Credit value – 8 units
f. Assess and recommend work methods to ensure that employees carry out site operations smoothly
– Credit value – 11 units
g. Planning actives and resources to successfully meet the workplace requirements
– Credit value – 12 units
h. Co-ordinate and Organize the control of the work site
– Credit value – 12 units
i. Control work progress against the finalized deadline of the construction project
– Credit value – 9 units
j. Allot and monitor the use of equipment and machinery in the construction site
– Credit value – 9 units
k. Control work against the agreed standards of the construction project and site
– Credit value – 9 units
l. Identify and enable learning opportunities for the workers in the construction site
– Credit value – 7 units
2. Optional skills to choose from
a. Implement communication systems for workers working on various projects in the construction site
– Credit value – 7 units
b. Maintain the dimensional accuracy of the project
– Credit value – 8 units
c. Contribute to controlling the work quantities and costs in the construction site
– Credit value – 9 units
d. Allocate work and monitor the performance of the workers in the construction site
– Credit value – 9 units
e. Contribute to identifying the team required for the project and allocate to the desired construction site
– Credit value – 8 units
f. Provide and monitor customer service based on the construction in the work site
– Credit value – 8 units
g. Develop and maintain positive occupational functional relationships in the work site
– Credit value – 8 units
Completing the Construction NVQ and receiving certification for the level 4 NVQ requires the learner to achieve at least 131 credit units.