For candidates seeking a career in Construction field in Cladding occupations have to opt for the Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations. The course has been designed to help candidates polish their skills and knowledge in resource preparation areas for cladding materials and installation sheets on walls and roof at the construction site. The learner at the end of the course shall be efficient in developing skills related to storing resources, moving and handling resources and implementing general practices at the workplace.
What is this?
The qualification is a Diploma course that is aimed at helping candidates get recognized prior to experience and learning at the job site. The diploma course and certification proves helpful for candidates at the time of seeking employment. The candidate will be able to gather skills related to construction industry practices for Cladding jobs.
For potential candidates, the diploma will also offer with the chance to opt for advanced learning in cladding panel installation works, cladder or roof sheeter. The qualification is e-based and approved by CSCS and CIBT authorities for candidates willing to join the construction field.
The qualification will help candidates get familiar with everything they are expected to know prior to joining the relevant job position in the industry on the basis of his observations, training and learning skills.
The qualification course is designed to help candidate apply for registration under relevant job card scheme (CSCS), confirming his knowledge that is required for being qualified for the relevant job card and understand his specific roles within the Cladding occupations.
Why is it required?
One of the main reasons for opting for this qualification is that it is recognized by CSCS authorities and the candidate who gets registered is most likely to be eligible for job card scheme. On qualifying, the candidate will automatically be registered under the card scheme (CSCS) for relevant job card for his knowledge and practical skills and competency level.
The e-based qualification covers a wide area of learning for performing cladding job works through practical workshop sessions and classroom sessions for a fixed hour time frame. The candidate is also allowed to make a selection of the preferred pathways within the mandatory and optional units for his job role.
The course is designed to help candidate pass out the selected mandatory units and optional units with desired scores. The qualification and course are generally required by candidates who want to opt as a panel installer or cladder or sheeter job position.
The main criteria for getting qualified for the course is that the candidate should hold his basic level qualification in academics and construction work field. So it is obvious that candidates who are already working in the construction industry at junior level in cladding can undergo the course to enhance their career.
The career is also ideal for candidates who wish to star with their career as a businessman or freelancer in the construction industry. In order to qualify the candidate has to cover an overall of 670 hours via training and in classroom sessions.
Learners are expected to complete overall of six units under mandatory with a score of 61 credit points along with one unit from optional category with a total of 6 credit points. This makes a total of 68 credit points that he is expected to score in the test.
How to apply?
The candidate can apply via or official CSCS or CIBT web portal services. Construction helpline offers help to candidates who want to apply and pass out the Level 2 NVQ exam for construction NVQ qualification.